Sunday, March 20, 2011


Ah, yes. I think I'm unnaturally in love with rhubarb. Especially in compote form with strawberries. Yum.

It's a rainy day and we had rhubarb and strawberries so Jess thought she might make a compote out of them with some sugar and lemon juice. Once I smelled that cooking I thought that a crumble might be a nice addition. One of the best things about having a professional pastry chef in the house apartment is that if you suggest something to them to make you often receive an enthusiastic, "OK!" followed by researching exactly what would be the best combination of ingredients for the perfect crumble. Horrible, isn't it? I swear I try and not abuse it. Well, a combo of flour, baking powder, sugar, Demerara sugar, some lemon zest, and butter was settled upon since we already had all of those.

The result was a tasty crumble for a delicious compote!


  1. Can we get some specifics on amounts for the crumble? Cause I need to do this NOW.

  2. She roughly followed the crumble from

    Then just topped it with the jam

  3. Ahhh- rhubarb!! The love affair with it is in your genes! If the resident FCI graduate is inclined to make her custard sauce, a thickish "pudding" of chunks of red loveliness basically cooked til they mostly break down, with a bit of water and sugar and served with custard sauce is the way I was introduced to rhubarb deliciousness when living in Germany.
